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Lee Vanden-Heuvel

Senior Manager of Incident Investigations and Root Cause Services; ABS Consulting

Mr. Vanden Heuvel is ABS Consulting’s lead for incident investigation/root cause analysis supports services, training, and software support. He has assisted organizations in many different industries with the development and implementation of incident investigation and root cause analysis (RCA) programs.

He has also led and participated in investigations in many types of industries, including chemical, healthcare, manufacturing, upstream/downstream petrochemical, machining, pharmaceuticals, utilities, construction, waste disposal, nuclear power, and food processing. He is a co-author of Guidelines for the Investigation of Chemical Process Incidents, Second Edition, Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety, and Conduct of Operations and Operational Discipline (all published by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers' Center for Chemical Process Safety), and the Root Cause Analysis Handbook, Third Edition andReliability Management (both published by Rothstein Associates Inc.).

Mr. Vanden Heuvel is also the lead developer of ABS Consulting's RCA software package with partner and EXP. He was previously the project manager and lead analyst for a large quantitative risk assessment program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He also worked for eight years at a nuclear power plant in operations, engineering support, and training.

His current responsibilities are in the areas of RCAs, incident investigations, human factors, organizational culture improvement, procedures, safety analyses, and economic/decision analyses. He is the prime developer of ABS Consulting's Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation course and has taught RCA techniques to over 4,000 individuals.

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