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Henrique Paula

Senior Consultant for ABS Group

With almost 40 years as an engineer, Dr. Paula has experience in operational safety and process safety management, root cause analysis/incident investigation, data analytics, reliability, risk/integrity management activities, including mechanical integrity and asset integrity programs (operations, maintenance, and inspection). 

He has managed, acted as a leader, or otherwise participated in more than 100 projects involving a variety of technology in several industries, including oil & gas offshore and onshore production, refining, petrochemical, chemical, power generation/distribution, mining, nuclear, defense, and manufacturing.  He acted as Project Director in the development of operational safety models and regulations for the Brazilian National Oil Agency (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, ANP), including upstream and downstream and including all aspects of design, construction, operations, maintenance and inspection programs.

Dr. Paula has provided consulting/training services in approximately 30 countries, and he has instructed for the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), and the Process Safety Institute (PSI).  He authored or co-authored more than 150 technical reports and papers for leading trade journals and industry associations, served as guest editor for a special issue of the journal Reliability Engineering and System Safety and wrote sections of Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Developing Quantitative Safety Risk Criteria (both by AIChE).  He is a certified reliability analyst.

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