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Daniel Machiela

Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer; ABS Consulting

Dan Machiela is a Senior Risk/Reliability Engineer with ABS Consulting. Mr. Machiela has 28 years of experience as an engineer in the nuclear, chemical, petroleum, and environmental fields, specializing in safety/hazard analyses, auditing, safety and accident prevention program development and implementation, training, licensing, power plant operations, system design, and environmental remedial actions.

Mr. Machiela performs process safety management (PSM) and risk management program (RMP) tasks for a variety of clients in the chemical, petroleum, pulp and paper, and consumer products industries related to ensuring compliance with OSHA's PSM regulation (29 CFR 1910.119) and EPA's RMP rule (40 CFR 68). These tasks include developing PSM program plans, performing compliance audits, developing implementation plans, developing specific procedures and guidelines, and performing hazard analyses of processes covered by the PSM regulation. Mr. Machiela has also participated in hazard and operability analyses of selected operations for several major national refineries and consumer-product production facilities, in addition to leading a hazard analysis of plans to remediate a mixed waste burial pit.

Before joining ABS Consulting, Mr. Machiela was an engineering supervisor for Bechtel National Inc.

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