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Press Release

German Agency Accepts ABS Group for Offshore Wind Farm Certification

February 10, 2011

(Houston) ABS Consulting announces that its affiliate, ABS Group Ltd., has been accepted as a certification body for offshore wind turbines and farms by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH).

The appointment allows ABS Group Ltd. to perform project certification according to the BSH Design of Offshore Wind Turbines standard. The Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, or Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency, approves offshore wind farm development projects in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea.

The BSH design standard specifies requirements for offshore wind turbine construction and ensures that all installations and structural components are certified. This certification is required for installation and operation of offshore wind turbines in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

"Germany is one of the most important and fastest growing offshore wind markets in Europe so we are proud to be a member of the BSH expert group," said Jan Behrendt Ibsoe, Vice President, Renewable Energy for ABS Consulting. "We look forward to assisting clients in the planning and realization phases of their offshore projects by using our team's extensive offshore experience and knowledge."

The primary focus for ABS Consulting in the renewable energy sector is on the wind energy market, where the company will provide life cycle services for wind energy assets with a particular focus on consultancy services and condition monitoring as well as quality management for operational wind farms. Focus areas will include specific markets such as the US, China and South America as well as the global offshore wind energy market.


About ABS Group

ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (ABS Group) and its operating subsidiaries provide risk management solutions and certification services worldwide that help clients address the safety, integrity, quality and environmental efficiency of critical assets and operations. Headquartered in Spring, Texas, ABS Group operates with more than 1200 professionals across the globe, serving the marine and offshore, oil, gas and chemical, government, power and energy and industrial sectors. ABS Group is a subsidiary of ABS (, a leading marine and offshore classification society.

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