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SA 8000:2014 – Transition Guidance for ABS-QE Clients

May 8, 2017

This notification outlines the timeline and process for organizations to transition to SA8000:2014. It is applicable for organizations that are currently certified to SA8000:2008, as well as organizations seeking initial certification to SA8000:2014. SAI has extended the deadline for completed the SA8000:2014 transition process.

Date Description
June 2014 SA8000:2014 was revised and published by SAI. It incorporates minor changes to several elements, as well as the expansion and clarification of requirements in other elements
September 2015 SAI to release the SA8000:2014 Guidance Document and Social Fingerprint Self- Assessment and SAAS to release Procedure 200:2015 and Procedure 201A and 201B:2015.
April 1, 2016 Deadline: As of this date, all SA8000 certification audits of new clients SHALL be to SA8000:2014.
June 30, 2017 Deadline: As of this date, ALL SA8000 certified organizations SHALL have transitioned to SA8000:2014 and any existing SA8000:2008 certificates SHALL be invalid.

Client must complete the Social Fingerprint® Self-Assessment.
September 30, 2017 Client must complete the Transition Audit by September 30th, 2017

ABS-QE will assess the certified clients implementation of SA8000:2014 during an on-site transition audit which may be completed during normally scheduled certification, recertification and surveillance activities.

Social Fingerprint and the SA8000:2014 Certification Process:

  • Beginning April 1, 2016, all audits of new clients to SA8000:2014 SHALL include Social Fingerprint.
  • Currently certified organizations and new clients interested in certification to SA8000:2014 may take the Social Fingerprint Self-Assessment beginning September 2015. The Self-Assessment will be available via the SAI website.
  • Organizations SHALL complete the Self-Assessment through the SAI online training center before the transition audit.
  • SA8000 auditors SHALL conduct a Social Fingerprint Independent Evaluation at the following audits:
    • The surveillance audit or recertification audit that serves as the transition audit to SA8000:2014.
    • TWO additional audits in addition to the next recertification audit (timing is dependent on when the transition audit occurs in the certification cycle – see SAI website


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