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Ian Bramson Appointed IMarEST Chair of the Maritime Cyber Risk Management Special Interest Group

April 27, 2020

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), the international professional body and learned society for marine professionals, has appointed Ian Bramson, ABS Group Global Head of Cyber Security, as Chair of the newly established Maritime Cyber Risk Management Special Interest Group (SIG).

A recognized leader with a strong track record of success in cyber security, Bramson has been solving cyber security challenges for more than 20 years. He joins IMarEST's group of maritime cyber security professionals who are working to appraise emerging cyber risk and improve safety at sea.

With the technical complexity of maritime assets increasing, including the convergence of information technology with operational technology (OT), the threat of cyber attacks is omnipresent.

The Maritime Cyber Risk Management SIG will work together to identify and evaluate new risks, develop preventative guidance and offer practical remedies for marine engineers, scientists and technology.

"I am honored to be joining as the new Chair of the Maritime Cyber Risk Management SIG," says Bramson. "I look forward to working alongside my fellow members as we fulfill our objectives to establish the awareness of cyber threats, confirm best practices and improve organizational training both on board and ashore."

The Maritime Cyber Risk Management SIG is currently shaping their agenda with plans to provide independent technical advice to ongoing regulatory work in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines. Top objectives in development include security through life cycle management, reviewing training gaps, practical applications for maritime cyber security guidelines in the field, supply chain, technology, autonomous ships and more.


About IMarEST

Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is the international membership body and learned society for all marine professionals. The IMarEST has registered charity status and is the first institute to bring together marine professionals from across the full spectrum of marine engineering, science and technology in a single international multi-disciplinary professional body. The IMarEST is the largest marine organization of its kind with a worldwide membership of over 20,000 individuals based in over 120 countries.


About ABS Group

ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (, through its operating subsidiaries, provides technical advisory and certification services to support the safety and reliability of high-performance assets and operations in the oil, gas and chemical, power generation, marine, offshore and government sectors, among others. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ABS Group operates with more than 1,000 professionals globally. ABS Group is a subsidiary of ABS (, a leading marine and offshore classification society.

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