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Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile (ENAER-Chile) Receives Certification Under the Aviation, Space and Defense Industry Standard AS9110

March 3, 2022


On 13 January 2022, ABS Quality Evaluations (ABS QE), a world-leading certification body, delivered the AS9110:2016 Accreditation Certificate to ENAER, certifying that their quality management system complies with the aviation standard for maintenance organizations in the industry.

The AS9100 and AS9110 set standards that provide a specific approach for companies in the aerospace sector, including requirements from ISO 9001, to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of aerospace products.

Quality Evaluations Tram - Spain

By maintaining a quality management system certified under AS9100 and AS9110 standards, ENAER assures its clients that all production and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) processes are carried out with the best practices at the international level for the aerospace industry. The reliability and safety of products in the aerospace industry are essential, considering that any failure can be catastrophic for the customer.

Ceremony attendees included Henry Cleveland Cartes, Executive Director of ENAER, Rossina Moreno, Deputy Manager of Sales and Customer Service of ABS QE and Jorge Chavez Tauber, Manager of Quality Assurance of ENAER.

Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile Recibe la Certificación Bajo Nuevo Estándar para la Industria de la Aviación, Espacio y Defensa AS9110

El pasado jueves 13 de enero, fue efectuada por parte de la empresa certificadora ABS Quality Evaluations (ABS QE), la entrega a ENAER del certificado de AS9110:2016  con acreditación ANAB de USA, el cual demuestra  que el Sistema de Gestión de Calidad de ENAER, cumple  con el estándar aeronáutico para organizaciones de mantenimiento de la industria aeronáutica.

El conjunto de Normas AS9100 y AS9110 proporcionan un enfoque específico para las empresas del sector aeroespacial, incluyendo requisitos de aprobación adicionales a la ISO 9001, con el objetivo de potenciar la calidad, fiabilidad y seguridad de los productos aeroespaciales.

ENAER al mantener un sistema de gestión de calidad certificado bajo los estándares AS9100 y AS9110, asegura a sus clientes que todos los procesos de producción y MRO (mantenimiento, reparación y overhaul), que la empresa efectúa, son realizados con las mejores prácticas a nivel mundial de la industria aeroespacial, permitiendo mayor confiabilidad, seguridad y respaldo de la calidad del producto entregado, lo que en la industria aeroespacial es esencial, considerando que cualquier falla en el producto o servicio entregado, puede ser catastrófico para el cliente.

About ABS Quality Evaluations

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. (ABS QE) is a subsidiary of ABS Group of Companies, Inc. ( As a world-leading certification body, ABS QE works with companies to improve the performance of their business, systems, people and supply chains through management systems certification, verification, training and assessments, including supply chain and cybersecurity. ABS QE’s global network of auditors plays a crucial role in helping organizations achieve business excellence and obtain the necessary certifications to get products and services to market.

About ABS Group

ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (, through its operating subsidiaries, provides technical advisory and certification services to support the safety and reliability of high-performance assets and operations in the oil, gas and chemical, power generation, marine, offshore and government sectors, among others. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ABS Group operates with more than 1,000 professionals globally. ABS Group is a subsidiary of ABS (, a leading marine and offshore classification society.

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