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ABS Nautical Systems Security Notice: Steps to Resolve CVE-2021-44228

December 17, 2021

ABS Nautical Systems Customers: Please reference our security notice with steps to resolve CVE-2021-44228 in reference to the Apache Log4J Vulnerability.

Step 1 – Identify the vulnerable files

  • Navigate to the NS installation folder using Windows File Explorer
  • Search for log4j-core-2.*.jar – you will see a list as shown in the below example
  • Leave this window open

Step 1- Identify Vulnerable Files

Step 2 – Stop related services

If any files are located, please stop the services related. The installation folder name can identify the service name; for the above three you will need to stop NS-MOBILE-nnnn, NS-WEB-nnnn & NS-SERVICE-nnnn

  • Navigate to the Services
  • Stop the identified NS Services

Step 2- Stop related services

Step 3 – Backup one copy of the affected jar

  • Open another windows files explorer
  • Copy one file from the search list and copy it under a new location, example: C:\NS\CVE-2021-44228\Original

Step 4 – Fix the jar to resolve the issue

  • Make a copy of the file from C:\NS\CVE-2021-44228\Original\log4j-core-2.4.1.jar to C:\NS\CVE-2021-44228\Fixed\log4j-core-2.4.1.jar
  • If you have 7-zip, right-click on the file copied under Fixed and select open archive

Step 3- Fix the jar to resolve issues

  • Navigate to the path org\apache\logging\log4j\core\lookup\

Step 4 - Part 2 - Fix the jar to resolve issue

  • Delete the file: JndiLookup.class
  • Close the window, now the fix is ready

Step 5 – Replace the affected files

  • Go back the search window
  • Right click on the file log4j-core-2.4.1 and select “Open File Location”
  • Copy the file from C:\NS\CVE-2021-44228\Fixed\log4j-core-2.4.1.jar and overwrite the file
  • Do this for all files found in the search

Step 6 – Restart the services that were stopped in Step 2


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ABS Nautical Systems is recognized as the leader in maritime fleet management software, supporting digital transformation across marine assets and providing powerful business intelligence solutions for a complex world. Our reliability-based software and compliance management solutions have helped mariners solve real-world operational challenges for over 30 years. Today, our advanced software platform NS Enterprise supports faster, more accurate decision-making to help the marine and offshore industries improve efficiency, enhance safety and drive performance. Learn more about ABS Nautical Systems software solutions and services.

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