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Nuclear Safety and Risk Management

Nuclear Safety Risk Management

Powerful Solutions for Nuclear Safety Fueled by Engineering Excellence

For over 50 years, ABS Group has provided nuclear power generation facilities, suppliers and regulators with world-class engineering support and solutions, including probabilistic safety assessments, Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) walkdowns, extreme load engineering and independent technical assessments (ITA). Our rich heritage in the nuclear industry has enabled our experts to be at the forefront of developing methodologies that have acted as the industry standard for decades.

Our experienced multi-disciplinary team is comprised of civil, structural and mechanical engineers with decades of experience. Discover our engineering solutions and their ability to support nuclear facilities and their safety cases from initial design and construction to their operating lifetime and decommissioning.

Did You Know?

ABS Group’s heritage in the nuclear industry started in the 1950s when EQE International pioneered risk assessment methodologies for the power industry. Since then, we have supported plants, suppliers and regulators including the Office for Nuclear Regulation (UK) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.) with hundreds of probabilistic risk assessments, hazards and extreme load assessments, including seismic studies and retrofit designs. We have dedicated teams in Warrington, UK and several locations in the U.S. to ensure your local and international regulations are met.

Modeling and Simulation to Support Nuclear Risk

Finite Element Analysis

ABS Group uses Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to study the behavior of structures, plants and equipment when subjected to normal (day-to-day) operating and design loadings and extreme hazards, such as seismic, weather, impact and blast loadings.  These included linear and non-linear approaches and analysis methodologies.

Finite Element Analysis

Our Capabilities

Normal Operating and Design Loads

Normal Operating and Design Loads

Our multi-disciplinary team of engineers provides detailed design analysis and assessments for new buildings, structures, cranes or items of plant or equipment based on frequent 1-in-50 or 1-in-100-year events to support facilities to understand and overcome normal operating loads. Our team also reviews existing structures and plants subjected to new hazards or loadings that could affect or have an impact on the safety case.

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Extreme Hazard Assessments

Extreme Load and Hazard Assessments 

Our Extreme Loads and Structural Risk (ELSR) division includes engineers whose careers have focused on evaluating dynamic, explosion and thermal hazards for industrial and government clients. We use advanced simulation tools to model the dynamic response to both natural and man‑made hazards for infrequent 1-in-1000 and 1-in-10,000-year extreme events.

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Civil and Structural Engineering Assessments

Civil and Structural Engineering Assessments

Identifying and assessing civil structures is a key element of our engineering services, whether existing structures are required to withstand new demands and hazards, or new structures are being commissioned for bespoke projects.

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Mechanical Plant and Equipment Assessments

Mechanical Plant and Equipment Assessments

Our team can review new and existing equipment against normal operations or extreme load cases. As part of our engineering substantiation of plant and equipment, we provide the following services:

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Crane Analysis and Design Review

Crane Analysis and Design Review

Helping clients understand the potential vulnerabilities associated with their cranes by quantifying associated risks reduces potential safety and operational impacts. By considering variances in loading conditions, a detailed analysis can take place to understand the integrity of the structure.

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From the Knowledge Center


Consultants, Clients and Contractors: How Effective Communication Can Improve the Seismic Qualification of Nuclear Facilities

When addressing the seismic qualification of plants and equipment, a lack of proper communication can cost time and money. Discover the ideal design and installation process.
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An Introduction to Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis

Advanced Finite Element (FE) Modeling has become a prevalent tool in both the design and assessment of new products and structures.
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Why You Should Qualify Mechanical Plants and Equipment by Seismic Walkdown

Explore the benefits of a Seismic Walkdown for your plant and equipment, including reduced expenses and simultaneous, time-saving assessments.
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