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Industrial Manufacturing

Industrial Manufacturing

Optimizing Industrial Manufacturing Operations

As an asset-intensive sector, industrial manufacturing faces a range of challenges. From controlling product quality and increasing asset reliability to managing the safety, security and environmental requirements of facilities, companies require risk based solutions that address their most pressing operational needs.

From the shop floor and assembly line to multiple vendor sites, we provide system certification, asset management and safety management solutions to heavy process and manufacturing industries. Discover how we help our clients deploy major capital projects, comply with applicable standards, improve their profitability and stay competitive with more reliable and efficient processes.

Read our insights on addressing onshore mechanical integrity issues in Oil, Gas and Chemical facilities.

Discover more advanced engineering solutions in our Explosion Testing Factsheet.

Mechanical Integrity and Equipment Compliance Webinar Series

Effective Inspections for Efficient Fitness for Service Assessment
Available On-Demand

Mechanical Integrity: Equipment Compliance
Available On-Demand

Independent Risk Advisor with Decades of Experience

Since we first began advising the global marine industry over 45 years ago, ABS Group has continued to expand our technical services to cover onshore manufacturing processes for the automotive, aerospace, nuclear and pharmaceutical industries. Our integrated solutions are driven by advances in technology to meet market demands and include multidisciplinary services to manage risk and optimize asset performance. Our engineering processes are informed by extensive domain expertise in managing risk based process safety and verifying mechanical integrity, project quality and equipment documentation.

Safety, Integrity and Reliability Services

Our manufacturing services include, but are not limited to, assessing the condition, operation and efficiency of your industrial equipment, systems and processes. With decades of experience and an interdisciplinary team of professionals dedicated to the safety, integrity and reliability of your manufacturing operations, we understand how to better deliver more reliable and cost-effective solutions to optimize performance. Our technical services take into account the design criteria, operational cost, HSE risks and applicable industry standards and requirements specific to industrial manufacturing, with specialized services addressing:

  • Project Quality Management and Documentation Management
  • Facility Siting Evaluations and Fire, Blast and Dispersion Modeling
  • Safeguard Robustness for Operational Excellence
  • Cybersecurity for Operational Technology (OT) Systems
  • Integrated HSE Management Systems Design and Development
  • Regulatory Compliance Audits
  • Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
  • Training and Competency Assurance

Learn more about our Cybersecurity Remote Monitoring and Managed Services, Extreme Loads and Structural Risk and Asset Management services.

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