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IBM Maximo RBM Accelerator

July 1, 2021 | 10:00 - 11:00 am CDT

IBM Maximo RBM Accelerator

A successful maintenance strategy requires the necessary tools to support Reliability Based Maintenance (RBM).  IBM Maximo is a critical part of an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) culture. IBM Maximo performs data management for equipment, instrumentation and facilities maintenance in asset intensive industries.

ABS Group has developed an IBM Maximo RBM Accelerator to assist organizations in addressing their needs with upkeep, utilization, review and analysis of key RBM data. 

The RBM Accelerator includes simple and effective features which allow reliability professionals to track RBM information in IBM Maximo. It is implemented on top of the existing Maximo version 7 and is fully upgradeable. Join our webinar to discover more, including the immediate benefits. 

What We Cover 

Product Features

Whether Asset Criticality Ranking (ACR) and Asset Strategy Optimization (ASO) outputs have been developed by our reliability team or your internal company team, the IBM Maximo RBM Accelerator will enable:

  • Asset Ranking Management
  • ASO Review
  • Scheduling Based on Asset Ranking
  • Bad Actor Identification
  • RBM Data Integrity Support

Benefits of the Accelerator 

  • Better Work Execution
  • Better Focus on Priority Equipment and Systems
  • Increase Worker Satisfaction from Better Planning
  • Decrease Number of Reactive Events
  • Decrease Amount of Downtime

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Walter Betsill, Senior Manager, GenesisSolutions

Walter Betsill has 30 years of experience working with maintenance and engineering organizations. Walter began his career in the chemical industry prior to becoming a cross-industry field consultant. In the 90's, he worked for both of the two top CMMS software companies, Datastream Systems (now Infor) and PSDI (MRO Software), first as a field consultant and subsequently as a project manager. In 2000, he became a founding member of GenesisSolutions. Walter helps his clients evolve to a better state of maintenance operations and reliability. His current focus is to assist clients in identifying the data that indicates success and then utilize good processes and technology to obtain this data easily and with a high degree of quality.

Chris Armitage, Principal Reliability Engineer, GenesisSolutions

Chris Armitage has more than 40 years of experience in maintenance and maintenance-related functions, including 30 years in personnel supervision, project management, and maintenance engineering. His work has involved reliability-centered maintenance (RCM), Streamlined RCM development and instruction, development of maintenance reliability systems, and troubleshooting in commercial manufacturing, industrial, and military environments. The originator of the Streamlined RCM process, Chris is a published author and frequent speaker at professional conferences. He retired from the U.S. Navy as a Commander, having served as a helicopter pilot, flight instructor, and aircraft maintenance officer. He holds a B.S. Degree (Mechanical Engineering) from the U.S. Naval Academy.

About ABS Group

ABS Group of Companies, Inc. (ABS Group) and its operating subsidiaries provide risk management solutions and certification services worldwide that help clients address the safety, integrity, quality and environmental efficiency of critical assets and operations. Headquartered in Spring, Texas, ABS Group operates with more than 1200 professionals across the globe, serving the marine and offshore, oil, gas and chemical, government, power and energy and industrial sectors. ABS Group is a subsidiary of ABS (, a leading marine and offshore classification society.

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