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Project Profile

Leak Detection Survey for Operational Support Contract Company

Project Overview

A leader in providing operational support contracts to the federal government commissioned ABS Group to conduct a natural gas leak detection survey for two of their facilities. Our company was chosen for this critical task due to our impeccable reputation as a premier provider of natural gas leak detection services, as well as our cutting-edge technology, rigorous methodology, comprehensive final report format, digital map creation capabilities, and skilled staff of experts.

It came to our attention that the client had previously engaged another contractor for the same survey, but the quality of work delivered fell short of expectations. The previous contractors had only managed to identify 25 gas leaks annually, which was a cause for concern. However, ABS Group's team of auditors identified over 300 leaks within the system, a testament to our rigorous approach and attention to detail. This discovery also suggests that the previous contractor overlooked hundreds of potentially dangerous gas leaks.


The Solution

ABS Group successfully met all local and federal guidelines and fulfilled all natural gas-related line items within our Base Operations Support (BOS) contract for our client. We utilized advanced GIS mapping software to accurately identify and track every leak and maintenance deficiency within the client's site, ensuring 100% infrastructure survey coverage. By using cutting-edge technology, including laser-based leak detection equipment and foot patrol and vehicle-based survey strategies, we were able to achieve single PPM accuracy for our client.

Our customized final report was fully compatible with the IBM Maximo system, which enabled seamless information transfer and timely submission of the client's end-of-year report to their government client. Additionally, we produced an ArcGIS map of all leaks and deficiencies, which the client utilized to assist the government in creating scope of work reports and bidding out repair work across their facility. All of these tasks were accomplished within a tight four-week timeframe.

We identified hundreds of leaks that our competitors had overlooked, resulting in significant savings for our client of tens of thousands of dollars per year in natural gas utility costs. These savings were allocated towards repairing numerous leaks within their system and replacing miles of pipeline. Our work will ensure that the client saves tens of thousands per year indefinitely on their utility bills.

Value Delivered

ABS Group delivered a high-quality natural gas leak detection survey that exceeded the client's expectations. The client had contracted out the survey in the past but wanted more than the quality of the work that had been done.

ABS Group's team of auditors uncovered over 300 leaks within the system, compared to the 25 leaks found by the previous contractor.

We delivered these results at the lowest price in the history of this contract. Because of our report formatting, the client was able to immediately begin repair work on the leaks, saving the government tens of thousands of dollars per year in natural gas utility costs. The final report and digital map provided by ABS Group were of the highest standard and helped the client satisfy all the line items within their Base Operations Support (BOS) contract and gain brownie points with their government contracting officer.  

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