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Project Profile

Global Training Program to Improve Process Safety Performance

Learn how we leveraged our custom training solutions and expertise to develop and implement a global training program for improving process safety management.

Project Objectives

Process Safety Management Training

Project Overview

An energy corporation wanted to prioritize and increase awareness around the importance of process safety management (PSM) and improve its overall health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance. To foster an effective and sound process safety culture, the company sought to develop a custom training program and standardize training across its global operations.

Through this customized PSM training program, the company hoped to raise company-wide awareness and help employees maintain an understanding of how to proactively identify and manage process hazards. It sought a comprehensive training solution that would help managers avoid complacency and develop a sustainable safety culture.

To expedite the timeframe for implementation, the client looked for a partner with training services that could be tailored to fit its specific needs.

Client Needs
  • Need for increased cultural emphasis on process safety
  • Complacency regarding process hazards
  • Desire for immediate implementation of training solution
  • Foster a proactive safety culture for more sustainable HSE performance and operations


Our Solution

Our standard Risk Based Process Safety training course covered most of the topics specified by the client. For the remaining few topics, we leveraged materials from our standalone courses such as Safety Culture, Hazard Identification, Process Hazard Analysis and Judging Risk. As a world leader in process safety training, ABS Group has taught safety, risk and reliability courses for over 35 years to more than 100,000 course alumni. Each of these high-quality courses has been approved and accredited by relevant industry bodies. Since the training program required limited development of new materials, we were able to deliver on an expedited timeline.

Customize a Standard Training Program

We began with a gap analysis to review and compare existing, standard training material to the client's specifications. We modified the course to address the company's needs and incorporate its own PSM framework, incident examples and internal HAZID methodologies. ABS Group liaised with company leadership to understand training program goals and develop additional course materials as needed. We also helped the client identify workshops from our training library that would be most meaningful for course attendees.

After developing the proposed course materials, we conducted a pilot test course and made appropriate revisions based on the pilot class feedback.

Assemble an Expert Training Team

Our project team possesses unmatched PSM experience. Several of our technical project team members co-wrote the Center for Chemical Process Safety's Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS) book on which the client had based its PSM framework. With at least 15 years of process safety experience, each instructor not only possesses an in-depth understanding of course topics but also demonstrates superior instruction abilities.

Manage Global Implementation

To implement the program globally, we assembled a full-time training coordination and production team consisting of a Course Coordinator and three staff assistants to manage instructor logistics, course materials and shipping. We also assigned regional instruction teams to ensure that trainers are available in each geographic area.

Given the broad geographic distribution of our client's locations, we developed a master set of training course materials on a secure server with limited access. Once a course date is confirmed, our coordinator will work with the designated instructor to ensure proper travel arrangements are made, all training course materials are shipped and receipt of materials is confirmed. To expedite shipping and control costs, we assemble and ship training materials from a nearby ABS Group office when possible.

Tailor Training for Key Audiences

ABS Group developed three (3) courses targeted toward each of the key audience groups identified by the client: Board Members and Executive Directors, Line and Functional Managers and Supervisors, and Design and Operations Managers and Senior Staff.

Executives and Board Members

The course demonstrates how proactive implementation of a PSM framework can prevent major accidents. Participants will learn to understand how leadership failures may contribute to these events.

Line and Functional Managers and Supervisors

This course introduces principles, language and a deeper understanding of process safety and PSM for those not directly involved in operations, but also whose decisions can have significant impacts.

Operations Managers and Senior Maintenance Staff

We deliver a more detailed understanding of the elements of PSM and how they fit together to control and prevent major accidents. Case histories, workshops and interactive sessions maximize training benefits and knowledge retention.

Value Delivered

Process Safety Performance Value

ABS Group has a global network of experienced trainers who can customize and deliver courses that are designed to improve process safety performance and assist the client in reducing the potential for incidents across operations.

In this project example, we were able to expedite course development and delivery due to our extensive catalog of existing training courses. As implementation begins, ABS Group's global offices can help reduce instructor travel and material shipping costs.

Future Cost Reduction Opportunities

During the second year of implementation, once the courses are well established, we plan to offer the option to assist the client in developing its own internal trainers to reduce ongoing costs. Using a planned program and train-the-trainer approach, our expert team will provide instruction, observation, feedback and mentoring to prepare internal trainers to manage courses and steward best-in-class process safety culture.

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