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Project Profile

ABS Group Provides Due Diligence Services for Major Gas System Project Financing

Project Overview

The National Bank of Greece is one of the central banks in Greece, with a long-established history dating back to 1841. As a leading financial institution, the bank has a significant national presence and has expanded its network to neighboring countries. In 2020, the bank was appointed as the Mandated Lead Arranger for financing the Alexandroupolis Independent Natural Gas System Project. As the major financing party, the bank needed to clearly understand the project’s development from a technical point of view in order to offer its financing services efficiently. 


Our Solution

ABS Group provided the National Bank of Greece with comprehensive technical advisory services to protect the bank's interests throughout the project's lifecycle.

We closely monitored the project’s progress through regular contact with the management team, identified potential technical risks and delays and provided prompt assistance and technical expertise to the bank whenever required. By providing a series of progress, summary and due diligence reports at agreed intervals, we kept our clients current on the project's status and progress. 

Finally, ABS Group assisted the bank in their exchanges with third parties regarding technical issues throughout the project. 

Value Delivered

ABS Group offered valuable assistance to the National Bank of Greece. Our active role ensured that the bank had a clear overarching picture of the project's status and progress at all times. This allowed the bank to make decisions based on the most up-to-date information, protecting its interests throughout the project’s lifecycle. Our technical expertise and prompt assistance allowed the bank to efficiently handle any technical issues that may arise during the project, helping to avoid unnecessary delays or unjustified cost increases.  

This case study demonstrates ABS Group's ability to provide reliable and efficient technical advisory services for long-lasting, significant offshore marine and energy projects. Our solution provided valuable support to the National Bank of Greece, demonstrating the value of having a trusted technical advisor during such complex projects. 

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