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Ultra-Deepwater Innovation: Examining New Production System Designs

ABS Group Marine and Offshore Services

Enterprise Risk Management

Identifying and developing environmentally sensitive, cost-effective technologies and resources for ultra-deepwater conditions is an industry-wide challenge. Understanding the risks associated with ultra-deepwater operations and the need to further technology advancement, the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA) funded a feasibility study involving Doris-Inc., Statoil, ABS Group and Sevan Marine to evaluate the application of a novel and cost-effective production platform design for the ultra-deepwater Gulf of Mexico.  

Published in the April 2016 issue of Offshore magazine, this article examines the study parameters, specific technical components and risk factors of the innovative FPSO concept. ABS Group performed a risk assessment and regulatory review of the design concept and organized a HAZID workshop to identify potential hazards and consequences and to establish safeguards to mitigate and manage the associated risks. 

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