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Optimizing Enterprise Asset Management with Reliability-based Maintenance

ABS GROUP Asset Performance Optimization Services

In industries ranging from offshore exploration and production, manufacturing, health care, utilities and beyond, technological and industrial innovations have led to the proliferation of complex, capital-intensive assets.

The evolution from simple, labor-intensive assets to advanced capital-intensive ones has created a need for maintenance and asset management to evolve as well. But fostering best practices for maintenance in an age of rapid advancement in technology has been difficult because these new assets and business processes are often developed without input from maintenance managers and staff.

Additionally, stringent client demands in terms of product quality and delivery deadlines have made organizations across the board hesitant to conduct maintenance, as it requires downtime.

What is Reliability-based Maintenance?

Reluctance to perform maintenance on critical assets may save time and keep them running in the short term, but by favoring performance today over reliability tomorrow, asset-intensive organizations may be setting themselves up for debilitating asset failure in the future. For this reason, many organizations are turning to a methodology known as reliability-based maintenance (RBM).

In this white paper, ABS Group examines the role of RBM as it pertains to the development of an effective enterprise asset management strategy. We will look at each step in the RBM process and draw on examples from a diverse array of industries to see how these principles can be put into practice.


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