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Complying with OMB Circular A-123: The Push for Enterprise Risk Management

ABS Group Global Government Division

The Push for Enterprise Risk Management

Following the update to Circular A-123 issued by the United States Office of Management and Budget in July 2016, public organizations are preparing to communicate strategic risks they have already identified. The ultimate goal of the circular update is for agencies to proactively identify risks and establish lines of communication to enhance timely risk-informed decision-making and mitigation strategies. The new requirements are expected to help agencies manage risks effectively while achieving their strategic objectives. 

In this article published in FCW magazine, ABS Group's Government team discusses how embracing enterprise risk management (ERM) is the logical next step in the development of a government that is determined to decrease its risk exposure while better serving the US public. Learn more about our approach to holistic ERM and key risk factors that will impact compliance with the updated requirement. 

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