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A Primer on IMO Cyber Risk Management Guidelines

IMO Cyber Security Guidelines

What to Know about the IMO Cyber Risk Management Guidelines

Meeting the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Cyber Risk Management Guidelines will require assessing, identifying and developing a comprehensive set of safety and risk-based security measures appropriate to manage cyber risk in your safety management system (SMS).

IMO recommends that ship owners and operators begin putting into place cyber risk controls and establish cyber resiliency in an SMS no later than the first annual verification of a company's Document of Compliance after 1 January 2021. The Baltic and International Maritime Council or BIMCO, the largest international shipping trade association, has outlined additional cyber defense elements in depth and in breadth in accordance with the IMO guidelines to demonstrate and maintain cybersecurity.

"Cybertechnologies have become essential to the operation and management of numerous systems critical to the safety and security of shipping and protection of the marine environment."

International Maritime Organization

This primer provides an overview of the IMO/BIMCO guidance and what your organization will need to do now to build these capabilities within your SMS by 2021.

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