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10 Leading Safety Practices to Improve Operational Performance

10 Leading Safety Practices to Improve Operational Performance

As digital trends continue to have an enormous effect on our lives and work, here are 10 leading safety practices to help your organization implement data-driven risk and reliability strategies in 2020.

10. ISO 45001: Addressing Occupational Health and Safety

The International Organization for Standardization's ISO 45001:2018 standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. The ISO 45001 international standard provides a global framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions. Understand the requirements for certification to ISO 45001.

9. Right-Sized Maintenance and Asset Management Best Practices

Is your existing or planned maintenance strategy cost effective and competitive? What are the best practices for world-class maintenance as aligned to the ISO 55000 asset management standard? Our asset management and reliability engineering team shares insights and guidance on right-sized maintenance and how to adopt world-class practices.

8. Social Accountability Standard and Certification

Keeping consumer demands and regulations in mind, companies are doing more to communicate their values and provide transparency into their entire supply chain process, including auditing suppliers, which provides a way to document a company's adherence to social compliance standards and guidelines. Learn more about the required steps in the SA8000 Social Accountability Standard certification process.

7. The Next Generation of Root Cause Analysis

To improve safety performance and processes, organizations must look closer at the cultural issues contributing to accidents and chronic incidents. Developed by the Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) team at ABS Group, Cultural Cause Analysis is a next-generation RCA, risk and process safety management method for understanding and influencing cultural issues to improve and sustain safety, reliability and quality performance. Learn more about managing cultural hazards risk.

6. Improving Fixed Equipment and Inspection Program Effectiveness

Fixed equipment mechanical integrity remains an important focus area in 2020, especially in the onshore midstream and downstream sector where pipelines and underground assets will require more comprehensive maintenance and reliability programs. Randy Montgomery shares insights into a risk based solution that addresses common challenges with typical fixed equipment and inspection programs to help facility owners lower costs and reduce risk. A key improvement and PSM regulation requirement you'll want to know more about is Damage Mechanism Assessment.  

5. Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Systems: Technology and Training

Applying enterprise asset management (EAM) and realiability maintenance strategies is the long-term optimization of your asset life cycle. One of the major shortcomings and disruptors of a successful EAM technology program implementation is the lack of a comprehensive training program. Effective training can increase technology adoption and utilization as well as the production of quality data, a foundational element of an EAM program. Revisit a webinar diving into the importance of training and lessons learned over our 20+ years of EAM technology project and program work.

4. Process Safety Training to Mitigate Hazards

Did you know ABS Group delivers custom public and onsite Training Services to improve techniques in the areas of safety, security, risk, reliability, quality and the environment? Our experts have trained more than 35,000 professionals over the last 10 years and have authored 26 books and guides for leading industrial process associations, including the Center for Chemical Process Safety. Instructors have led major incident investigations in the U.S. and internationally to inform our training curriculum. Return to work with new or refreshed skills and browse our 2020 Course Calendar.

3. Improving Data Capture for Maritime Operations

New regulations and operating requirements are placing more pressure on shipowners and their crews to gather the information required to prove compliance and improve the performance of their ships. Fleet management software helps maritime ship owners and operators to monitor their asset performance, comply with regulations and assure crew safety in a digital era. Discover how ABS Nautical Systems is building the platform of the future with fleet management software solutions.

2. Data Science and Analytics for Risk Management

As companies collect more data than ever before, how can enhanced analytics and data science tools help to solve their toughest operational challenges? Matt Mowrer, Director of the Product Development and Innovation Center at ABS Group, tackles the process of simplifying data analytics in a four-part webinar series geared toward risk management. Register for the first webinar, Applying Data Science Tools to Improve Risk Management.

1. Cybersecurity for Operational Technology

The push for digitalization and increased connectivity are driving the need for greater cyber protection across the marine and offshore value chain. As information technology (IT) converges with operational technology (OT) systems, shipping and offshore energy operations are vulnerable to a cyber incident or attack, making cybersecurity a business imperative for 2020. Explore how we are co-creating cyber solutions with industry and regulators to assess this growing risk and standardize an approach to help mitigate the threat of operational disruption.

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