A man in a yellow waistcoat and a white safety helmet

Check your compliance

Your company’s compliance, a driver for boosting performance and developing innovation


The regulatory compliance of equipment and facilities is of central importance to all operators; it contributes to improving performance and safety for the benefit of the teams, customers and users. 


In a globalised world, many goods and equipment are manufactured beyond local borders and it is essential that their compliance be verified to meet the standards in force in the country of operation. Furthermore, any accident potentially threatening human safety or the preservation of the environment is now immediately made the focus of media coverage. This can have significant repercussions on a company's image, the achievement of its production targets and its profitability.


While the compliance of equipment and facilities is undoubtedly a local regulatory constraint, it is also a useful and necessary lever for the company’s safe development.

Your challenges related to
regulatory compliance

A man in a warehouse holds a blue document holder
A man in a warehouse holds a blue document holder

The compliance of your sites and equipment entails:

  • dealing with complex, constantly changing, and sometimes difficult-to-apply regulations. You are looking for clear and precise answers.
  • implementing the resolve on the part of managers to focus on their core business and on the company’s added value.
  • focusing on your customers’ requests: personalised products and services at a lower cost.
  • coping with the rarefication of internal resources to monitor your sites’ compliance.
  • having reliable and safe sites for facilities, equipment and buildings.
  • instituting a virtuous approach to improving facilities, buildings and organisations.
  • using modern, innovative and digital tools to save time and go straight to what matters.

Did you know ?

Apave has been working in the field of safety for more than 150 years and can help you with any problem you may have.

You wish to bring your equipment and facilities into compliance with the regulations, or with your own specifications

We verify the compliance of your technical installations, equipment and processes during their commissioning and/or operation. 

As a result, you have an overview of the points to improve to achieve compliance and an inspection schedule in order to comply with the regulatory frequencies.


Our main areas of action:


Compliance checks and periodic controls

Conventional or advanced non-destructive testing

  • Radiography, ultrasound, magnetic particle inspection, dye penetrant inspection, etc.
  • Eddy current, Phased Array ultrasound, Floorscan MFL, ACFM, TOFD, etc. 

Plus Find out more about non-destructive testing


Source inspection (before shipment)

  • Ensure the quality of your products, equipment and materials before they are shipped from the manufacturer
  • Assist with mechanical testing
  • Factory acceptance testing
  • Hydrostatic testing
  • Performance testing
  • Equipment inspection
  • Structural integrity
  • Design verification and compliance

Plus Learn more about new equipment inspection

You are interested in improving the performance, safety and availability of your equipment

Apave designs bespoke technical support services, particularly for your complex and sensitive projects.
For example:

  • Help to integrate the safety or compliance rules into the specifications, during design, installation or manufacturing
  • Engineering design review and verification
  • Verification of calculation notes
  • Manufacturing monitoring, quality assurance / quality control, vendor management and audits
  • Expertise, analysis of malfunctions
  • Diagnostics in the context of preventive maintenance
  • Monitoring of work, acceptance, functional tests
  • Assistance in removing non-conformities
  • Personalised regulatory monitoring
  • Mechanical integrity in-service inspections
  • Equipment engineering
  • Welding engineering
  • Materials and corrosion engineering
  • Quality engineering
  • Project management
  • Procurement surveillance
  • Source inspection


Dedicated project management for your facilities, processes, production units, manufacturing workshops

To take up your challenges, we put together a bespoke team of specialists and are at your side throughout your project’s duration, providing you with a comprehensive response.


During the design phase:

Our dedicated team verifies the general and budget-related compliance of your investment projects, using a “multi-directive” regulatory approach: machine, pressure equipment, ATEX, EMC, Low Voltage, etc.


During the operating phase:

We work in project mode with you to:

  • Improve the quality of your products,
  • Secure the performance of your processes,
  • Reduce your losses due to non-quality (scraps, customer dissatisfaction, unit shutdowns, etc.), using an approach focused on the reliability, maintainability and availability of your production tool.


Optimising your maintenance

You are interested in optimising your maintenance costs. We provide you with an external vision of your maintenance organisation, offering true assistance in the decision-making process.


Our solution, through its technical, organisational and human approaches, enables you to take up your challenges in:

  • controlling the risks on your shutdowns,
  • schedule management, 
  • energy efficiency in your buildings and utilities, 
  • assessing service providers, 
  • optimising the use of your digitised data,


During your installations’ end-of-life phase:

Our “ageing support” approach makes it possible to assess the remaining lifespan of your equipment, facilities or production sites to recommend new investments or guide you towards solutions aimed at extending their lifespan:

  • continuing operations with a timetable and managing your improvement plan,
  • Institutional cover: insurers, local residents and local authorities.

Why choose




With a wide range of teaching methods: face-to-face, enhanced face-to-face, blended learning, virtual classes, 100% digital, etc.


And advanced technical and regulatory expertise by sector, which enables us to support you in the everyday.


Thanks to our locations and multidisciplinary teams all over the world.

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Our experts are available worldwide.

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